ERA5 Get raw input

Process Activity

Description: The process involves obtaining NUTS - Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics polygons for the relevant regions, followed by calling a public API with GPS coordinates derived from the polygons. A single API call is made per month, resulting in a gridded data response file with a default resolution of 0.1 degree latitude/longitude. Each month and region corresponds to one variable, resulting in over 20.000 files. The performance of this process is relatively slow, taking around a minute per call, and it requires a substantial number of calls to collect the complete dataset. There are over 12.000 raw input files in NetCDF4 format covering the period from 1990 to 2022.

Diagram of the Process Activity

digraph Diagram { graph [ stylesheet="../_static/custom.css" fontnames = "svg" # "... rock solid standards compliant SVG", see: rankdir="LR" nodesep="0.15" tooltip=" " ]; node [ fontname="sans-serif" ]; activity_70e828d0_4231_4b9b_bb69_7882483fb591 [ shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" height="0.8" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" fontsize="13pt" label="ERA5 Get raw input\n(current activity)" tooltip=" " ]; EntityUsed_1 [ shape="rect" style="filled" width="2" height="0.1" fontcolor="blue" fontsize="10pt" URL="" target="_blank" label="nuts polygons level 1" tooltip="Entity used for current activity" fillcolor="#ffe119" ]; EntityUsed_1:e -> activity_70e828d0_4231_4b9b_bb69_7882483fb591:w [ minlen="2" ]; EntityUsed_2 [ shape="rect" style="filled" width="2" height="0.1" fontcolor="blue" fontsize="10pt" URL="" target="_blank" label="nuts polygons level 2" tooltip="Entity used for current activity" fillcolor="#ffe119" ]; EntityUsed_2:e -> activity_70e828d0_4231_4b9b_bb69_7882483fb591:w [ minlen="2" ]; EntityUsed_3 [ shape="rect" style="filled" width="2" height="0.1" fontcolor="blue" fontsize="10pt" URL="" target="_blank" label="nuts polygons level 3" tooltip="Entity used for current activity" fillcolor="#ffe119" ]; EntityUsed_3:e -> activity_70e828d0_4231_4b9b_bb69_7882483fb591:w [ minlen="2" ]; EntityUsed_4 [ shape="rect" style="filled" width="2" height="0.1" fontcolor="blue" fontsize="10pt" URL="" target="_blank" label="ERA5 Homepage" tooltip="Entity used for current activity" fillcolor="#ffe119" ]; EntityUsed_4:e -> activity_70e828d0_4231_4b9b_bb69_7882483fb591:w [ minlen="2" ]; EntityProduced_1 [ shape="rect" style="filled" width="2" height="0.1" fontcolor="blue" fontsize="10pt" URL="" target="_blank" label="ca. 12.000 NetCDF4 files" tooltip="Entity produced by current activity" fillcolor="#dcbeff" ]; activity_70e828d0_4231_4b9b_bb69_7882483fb591:e -> EntityProduced_1:w [ minlen="2" ]; }