EEA Marshalling data

Process Activity

Description: All the collected data, including pollutant-by-station-by-hour information, is consolidated into a single file named “eea-stations,” with each row representing a specific pollutant, station, and hour. The merged data is stored in Parquet format, serving as a checkpoint for external reviewers to validate the analysis.

Diagram of the Process Activity

digraph Diagram { graph [ stylesheet="../_static/custom.css" fontnames = "svg" # "... rock solid standards compliant SVG", see: rankdir="LR" nodesep="0.15" tooltip=" " ]; node [ fontname="sans-serif" ]; activity_d79858ab_3d27_48d2_ba6a_64f37b7dd06d [ shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" height="0.8" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" fontsize="13pt" label="EEA Marshalling data\n(current activity)" tooltip=" " ]; EntityUsed_1 [ shape="rect" style="filled" width="2" height="0.1" fontcolor="blue" fontsize="10pt" URL="" target="_blank" label="ca. 5.000 CSV files" tooltip="Entity used for current activity" fillcolor="#ffe119" ]; EntityUsed_1:e -> activity_d79858ab_3d27_48d2_ba6a_64f37b7dd06d:w [ minlen="2" ]; EntityProduced_1 [ shape="rect" style="filled" width="2" height="0.1" fontcolor="blue" fontsize="10pt" URL="" target="_blank" label="EEA Interim data for review\n(eea-stations)" tooltip="Entity produced by current activity" fillcolor="#dcbeff" ]; activity_d79858ab_3d27_48d2_ba6a_64f37b7dd06d:e -> EntityProduced_1:w [ minlen="2" ]; }