EEA Data Processing

Process Activity

Description: The process involves collapsing the data on time to group it by day, using maximum values. It is then collapsed by region, also using the maximum value for each region. Index variables are calculated based on the concentrations provided by the EEA. These index variables help create a classification of air quality (e.g., Good, Fair, Moderate) are based on the European Air Quality Index as of August 2023. Derived variables are computed to determine the worst quality and the number of days with poor quality for different time periods, with specific dates serving as reference points. The resulting data is stored as a file, which can be of a suitable format based on the size requirements.

Diagram of the Process Activity

digraph Diagram { graph [ stylesheet="../_static/custom.css" fontnames = "svg" # "... rock solid standards compliant SVG", see: rankdir="LR" nodesep="0.15" tooltip=" " ]; node [ fontname="sans-serif" ]; activity_c6b1e1d8_2e41_441c_83a7_3e809d7a07db [ shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" height="0.8" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" fontsize="13pt" label="EEA Data Processing\n(current activity)" tooltip=" " ]; EntityUsed_1 [ shape="rect" style="filled" width="2" height="0.1" fontcolor="blue" fontsize="10pt" URL="" target="_blank" label="EEA Interim data for review\n(eea-stations)" tooltip="Entity used for current activity" fillcolor="#ffe119" ]; EntityUsed_1:e -> activity_c6b1e1d8_2e41_441c_83a7_3e809d7a07db:w [ minlen="2" ]; EntityProduced_1 [ shape="rect" style="filled" width="2" height="0.1" fontcolor="blue" fontsize="10pt" URL="" target="_blank" label="Integratable datafile for\nEEA (eea-regions)" tooltip="Entity produced by current activity" fillcolor="#dcbeff" ]; activity_c6b1e1d8_2e41_441c_83a7_3e809d7a07db:e -> EntityProduced_1:w [ minlen="2" ]; }

Diagram of the Process Sub-Activities (in sequential order)


Click on a sub-activity to go to the corresponding page.

digraph Diagram { graph [ stylesheet="../_static/custom.css" fontnames = "svg" # "... rock solid standards compliant SVG", see: rankdir="LR" tooltip=" " ]; node [ fontname="sans-serif" ]; subgraph { rank="same"; step_70b92d2b_cc0a_44a7_9b1b_1e84084f4c50 [ label="Create variable date" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_70b92d2b-cc0a-44a7-9b1b-1e84084f4c50.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_e5719aa7_5c9f_4e8c_b8b2_ff3b6bb1e6c2 [ label="Create variable aqiwdpm10" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_e5719aa7-5c9f-4e8c-b8b2-ff3b6bb1e6c2.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_8e76387e_0a01_4282_89bc_9db776546f98 [ label="Create variable aqiwdpm2_5" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_8e76387e-0a01-4282-89bc-9db776546f98.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_920f3b9b_6aa2_4a33_aa15_fa41b3c45ee3 [ label="Create variable aqiwdso2" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_920f3b9b-6aa2-4a33-aa15-fa41b3c45ee3.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_5d4a2d9d_54f8_419e_a4b5_4ef2223dceaa [ label="Create variable aqiwdno2" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_5d4a2d9d-54f8-419e-a4b5-4ef2223dceaa.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_03e16b5f_7876_4d78_bc64_23e16cfd4500 [ label="Create variable aqiwdo3" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_03e16b5f-7876-4d78-bc64-23e16cfd4500.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_cdb34f49_1977_4a9f_bc6b_2db89292442d [ label="Create variable aqiwd" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_cdb34f49-1977-4a9f-bc6b-2db89292442d.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_1b3b0f21_2c18_4edc_82f2_58e50b0e40c9 [ label="Create variable aqiw2dpm10" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_1b3b0f21-2c18-4edc-82f2-58e50b0e40c9.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_e21b1e54_18a0_4296_af9d_0b0eb9762cc7 [ label="Create variable aqiw2dpm2_5" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_e21b1e54-18a0-4296-af9d-0b0eb9762cc7.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_74190ce2_23d5_4c2b_a9e3_5017f5a2b9e7 [ label="Create variable aqiw2dso2" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_74190ce2-23d5-4c2b-a9e3-5017f5a2b9e7.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_d8885706_02d6_4e0a_8a37_dc5732c0c79f [ label="Create variable aqiw2dno2" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_d8885706-02d6-4e0a-8a37-dc5732c0c79f.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_2b702183_45de_45d5_80a9_5ebc1be9fe1c [ label="Create variable aqiw2do3" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_2b702183-45de-45d5-80a9-5ebc1be9fe1c.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_1a6476be_23a9_4e0f_9a48_f70307579001 [ label="Create variable aqiw2d" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_1a6476be-23a9-4e0f-9a48-f70307579001.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_4a51ff8e_0250_45c0_aedc_7433e1d2db87 [ label="Create variable ndyprwpm10" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_4a51ff8e-0250-45c0-aedc-7433e1d2db87.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_6a2f8d7e_5fc9_44e5_bf60_71a91c3614c6 [ label="Create variable ndyprwpm2_5" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_6a2f8d7e-5fc9-44e5-bf60-71a91c3614c6.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_a7d2eaaa_3c8e_4f8e_9f8a_c12c447e02d0 [ label="Create variable ndyprwso2" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_a7d2eaaa-3c8e-4f8e-9f8a-c12c447e02d0.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_d06dfe8a_7685_4ed5_b54d_5e240de6a8ef [ label="Create variable ndyprwno2" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_d06dfe8a-7685-4ed5-b54d-5e240de6a8ef.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_9267e50e_8f2a_4321_9ce4_014b98899f4c [ label="Create variable ndyprwo3" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_9267e50e-8f2a-4321-9ce4-014b98899f4c.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_3cf520d5_1d16_40a2_8a32_02eef2f9784b [ label="Create variable ndyprw" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_3cf520d5-1d16-40a2-8a32-02eef2f9784b.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_9d0f2b2e_bfd5_4d9b_b6f3_b0e7c7a85c8e [ label="Create variable ndyprmpm10" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_9d0f2b2e-bfd5-4d9b-b6f3-b0e7c7a85c8e.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_57cc0d7f_3df3_4c61_b0ce_4a3454a495cc [ label="Create variable ndyprmpm2_5" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_57cc0d7f-3df3-4c61-b0ce-4a3454a495cc.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_a8e2f5e3_95af_48b1_8770_9ae8d4b840d9 [ label="Create variable ndyprmso2" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_a8e2f5e3-95af-48b1-8770-9ae8d4b840d9.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_8f85e449_0f80_41b7_8921_4db59106e23b [ label="Create variable ndyprmno2" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_8f85e449-0f80-41b7-8921-4db59106e23b.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_b6c22f5e_4985_4a87_a5ff_3353b54a2096 [ label="Create variable ndyprmo3" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_b6c22f5e-4985-4a87-a5ff-3353b54a2096.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_4c6e7249_9c49_4140_a0d6_88bde940012e [ label="Create variable ndyprm" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_4c6e7249-9c49-4140-a0d6-88bde940012e.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_2b97a7f9_c5fe_4bc4_8e9a_dc2c93d406ac [ label="Create variable ndyprypm10" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_2b97a7f9-c5fe-4bc4-8e9a-dc2c93d406ac.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_12b1349d_eb60_46b6_9d5f_b7ee92e4e7af [ label="Create variable ndyprypm2_5" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_12b1349d-eb60-46b6-9d5f-b7ee92e4e7af.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_c8a132ef_57e1_40a4_ba11_82690a893f61 [ label="Create variable ndypryso2" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_c8a132ef-57e1-40a4-ba11-82690a893f61.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_bbea52b0_7e47_4942_bb8c_bc16da36a4d3 [ label="Create variable ndypryno2" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_bbea52b0-7e47-4942-bb8c-bc16da36a4d3.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_3d2b0c76_491c_46a4_b57f_13b7b90e38d9 [ label="Create variable ndypryo3" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_3d2b0c76-491c-46a4-b57f-13b7b90e38d9.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; step_7078715e_59f5_43e6_9c0c_ef5be032d9ee [ label="Create variable ndypry" shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" URL="../step_7078715e-59f5-43e6-9c0c-ef5be032d9ee.html" target="_parent" tooltip=" \nGo to process activity" ]; } subgraph { rank="same"; step_70b92d2b_cc0a_44a7_9b1b_1e84084f4c50_Description [ label="Use variables 'DatetimeBegin' and 'DatetimeEnd' to create variable 'date'.\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_e5719aa7_5c9f_4e8c_b8b2_ff3b6bb1e6c2_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'aqiwdpm10' starting from variables 'Concentration'\land 'AirPollutant = PM10' for each background station. Compute where\l'AirQualityStation' has values for the pollutant. Find 'Concentration'\lvalue at the 99th percentile for the pollutant. Create EEA Air Quality\lIndex where PM10: 0 to 20 eq 'Good' represented by value '0'; 20 to 40 eq\l'Fair' represented by value '1'; 40 to 50 eq 'Moderate' represented by\lvalue '2'; 50 to 100 eq 'Poor' represented by value '3'; 100 to 150 eq\l'Very Poor' represented by value '4'; 150 to 1200 eq 'Extremely poor'\lrepresented by value '5'. The worst air quality level measured on a\lspecific date on one of the background stations in the region provides\lvalues to the variable.\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_8e76387e_0a01_4282_89bc_9db776546f98_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'aqiwdpm2_5' starting from variables\l'Concentration' and 'AirPollutant = PM2.5' for each background station.\lCompute where 'AirQualityStation' has values for the pollutant. Find\l'Concentration' value at the 99th percentile for the pollutant. Create EEA\lAir Quality Index where PM2.5: 0 to 10 eq 'Good' represented by value '0';\l10 to 20 eq 'Fair' represented by value '1'; 20 to 25 eq 'Moderate'\lrepresented by value '2'; 25 to 50 eq 'Poor' represented by value '3'; 50\lto 75 eq 'Very Poor' represented by value '4'; 75 to 800 eq 'Extremely\lpoor' represented by value '5'. The worst air quality level measured on a\lspecific day on one of the background stations in the region provides\lvalues to the variable.\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_920f3b9b_6aa2_4a33_aa15_fa41b3c45ee3_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'aqiwdso2' starting from variables 'Concentration'\land 'AirPollutant = SO2' for each background station. Compute where\l'AirQualityStation' has values for the pollutant. Find 'Concentration'\lvalue at the 99th percentile for the pollutant. Create EEA Air Quality\lIndex where SO2: 0 to 100 eq 'Good' represented by value '0'; 100 to 200 eq\l'Fair' represented by value '1'; 200 to 350 eq 'Moderate' represented by\lvalue '2'; 350 to 500 eq 'Poor' represented by value '3'; 500 to 750 eq\l'Very Poor' represented by value '4'; 750 to 1250 eq 'Extremely poor'\lrepresented by value '5'. The worst air quality level measured on a\lspecific day on one of the background stations in the region provides\lvalues to the variable.\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_5d4a2d9d_54f8_419e_a4b5_4ef2223dceaa_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'aqiwdno2' starting from variables 'Concentration'\land 'AirPollutant = NO2' for each background station. Compute where\l'AirQualityStation' has values for the pollutant. Find 'Concentration'\lvalue at the 99th percentile for the pollutant. Create EEA Air Quality\lIndex where NO2: 0 to 40 eq 'Good' represented by value '0'; 40 to 90 eq\l'Fair' represented by value '1'; 90 to 120 eq 'Moderate' represented by\lvalue '2'; 120 to 230 eq 'Poor' represented by value '3'; 230 to 340 eq\l'Very Poor' represented by value '4'; 340 to 1000 eq 'Extremely Poor'\lrepresented by value '5'. The worst air quality level measured on a\lspecific day on one of the background stations in the region provides\lvalues to the variable.\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_03e16b5f_7876_4d78_bc64_23e16cfd4500_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'aqiwdo3' starting from variables 'Concentration'\land 'AirPollutant = O3' for each background station. Compute where\l'AirQualityStation' has values for the pollutant. Find 'Concentration'\lvalue at the 99th percentile for the pollutant. Create EEA Air Quality\lIndex where O3: 0 to 50 eq 'Good' represented by value '0', 50 to 100 eq\l'Fair' represented by value '1'; 100 to 130 eq 'Moderate' represented by\lvalue '2'; 130 to 240 eq 'Poor' represented by value '3'; 2040 to 380 eq\l'Very poor' represented by value '4'; 380 to 800 eq 'Extremely poor'\lrepresented by value '5'. The average of the worst air quality level\lmeasured on a specific day on each of the background stations in the region\lprovides values to the variable.\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_cdb34f49_1977_4a9f_bc6b_2db89292442d_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'aqiwd' based on 'aqiwdpm10'; 'aqiwdpm2_5';\l'aqiwdso2'; 'aqiwdno2; 'aqiwdo3' by date and region. The maximum value\lacross the source variables becomes the value of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_1b3b0f21_2c18_4edc_82f2_58e50b0e40c9_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'aqiw2dpm10' based on 'aqiwdpm10' 'region' and\l'date'. The worst value for the pollutant across a date and the date before\lbecomes the value of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_e21b1e54_18a0_4296_af9d_0b0eb9762cc7_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'aqiw2dpm2_5' based on 'aqiwdpm2_5', 'region' and\l'date'. The worst value for the pollutant across a date and the date before\lbecomes the value of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_74190ce2_23d5_4c2b_a9e3_5017f5a2b9e7_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'aqiw2dso2' based on 'aqiwdso2', 'region' and\l'date'. The worst value for the pollutant across a date and the date before\lbecomes the value of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_d8885706_02d6_4e0a_8a37_dc5732c0c79f_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'aqiw2dno2' based on 'aqiwdno2', 'region' and\l'date'. The worst value for the pollutant across a date and the date before\lbecomes the value of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_2b702183_45de_45d5_80a9_5ebc1be9fe1c_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'aqiw2do3' based on 'aqiwdo3', 'region' and 'date'.\lThe worst value for the pollutant across a date and the date before becomes\lthe value of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_1a6476be_23a9_4e0f_9a48_f70307579001_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'aqiw2d ' based on 'aqiw2dpm10'; 'aqiw2dpm2_5';\l'aqiw2dso2'; 'aqiwdno2'; 'aqiw2do3', 'region' and 'date'. The maximum value\lacross the source variables becomes the value of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_4a51ff8e_0250_45c0_aedc_7433e1d2db87_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndyprwpm10' based on 'aqiwdpm10', 'region' and\l'date'. The number of days during the last seven days from date, date\lincluded, where 'aqiwdpm10' = '3' 'Poor' or 'aqiwdpm10' = '4' 'Very poor'\lor 'aqiwdpm10' = '5' 'Extremely poor' becomes the value of the target\lvariable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_6a2f8d7e_5fc9_44e5_bf60_71a91c3614c6_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndyprwpm2_5' based on 'aqiwdpm2_5', 'region' and\l'date'. The number of days during the last seven days from date, date\lincluded, where 'aqiwdpm2_5' = '3' 'Poor' or 'aqiwdpm2_5' = '4' 'Very poor'\lor 'aqiwdpm2_5' = '5' 'Extremely poor' becomes the value of the target\lvariable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_a7d2eaaa_3c8e_4f8e_9f8a_c12c447e02d0_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndyprwso2' based on 'aqiwdso2', 'region' and\l'date'. The number of days during the last seven days from date, date\lincluded, where 'aqiwdso2' = '3' 'Poor' or 'aqiwdso2' = '4' 'Very poor' or\l'aqiwdso2' = '5' 'Extremely poor' becomes the value of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_d06dfe8a_7685_4ed5_b54d_5e240de6a8ef_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndyprwno2' based on 'aqiwdno2', 'region'and\l'date'. The number of days during the last seven days from date, date\lincluded, where 'aqiwdno2r' = '3' 'Poor' or 'aqiwdno2r' = '4' 'Very poor'\lor 'aqiwdno2r' = '5' 'Extremely poor' becomes the value of the target\lvariable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_9267e50e_8f2a_4321_9ce4_014b98899f4c_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndyprwo3' based on 'aqiwdo3', 'region' and 'date'.\lThe number of days during the last seven days from date, date included,\lwhere 'aqiwdo3r' = '3' 'Poor' or 'aqiwdo3r' = '4' 'Very poor' or 'aqiwdo3r'\l= '5' 'Extremely poor' becomes the value of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_3cf520d5_1d16_40a2_8a32_02eef2f9784b_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndyprw' based on 'aqiwdpm10', 'aqiwdpm2_5',\l'aqiwdso2', 'aqiwdno2', 'aqiwdo3', 'region' and 'date'. The number of days\lduring the last seven days from date, date included, where one or more of\lvariables 'aqiwdpm10', 'aqiwdpm2_5', 'aqiwdso2r', 'aqiwdno2', 'aqiwdo3' has\lvalue '3' 'Poor' or '4' 'Very poor' or '5' 'Extremely poor' becomes the\lvalue of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_9d0f2b2e_bfd5_4d9b_b6f3_b0e7c7a85c8e_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndyprmpm10' based on 'aqiwdpm10', 'region' and\l'date'. The number of days during the last thirty days from date, date\lincluded, where 'aqiwdpm10' = '3' 'Poor' or 'aqiwdpm10' = '4' 'Very poor'\lor 'aqiwdpm10' = '5' 'Extremely poor' becomes the value of the target\lvariable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_57cc0d7f_3df3_4c61_b0ce_4a3454a495cc_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndyprmpm2_5' based on ' aqiwdpm2_5 ' , 'region'\land 'date'. The number of days during the last thirty days from date, date\lincluded, where 'aqiwdpm2_5' = '3' 'Poor' or 'aqiwdpm2_5' = '4' 'Very poor'\lor 'aqiwdpm2_5' = '5' 'Extremely poor' becomes the value of the target\lvariable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_a8e2f5e3_95af_48b1_8770_9ae8d4b840d9_Description [ label="Compute target variable ' ndyprmso2' based on 'aqiwdso2', 'region' and\l'date'. The number of days during the last thirty days from date, date\lincluded, where 'aqiwdso2' = '3' 'Poor' or 'aqiwdso2' = '4' 'Very poor' or\l'aqiwdso2' = '5' 'Extremely poor' becomes the value of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_8f85e449_0f80_41b7_8921_4db59106e23b_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndyprmno2' based on 'aqiwdno2', 'region' and\l'date'. The number of days during the last thirty days from date, date\lincluded, where 'aqiwdno2' = '3' 'Poor' or 'aqiwdno2' = '4' 'Very poor' or\l'aqiwdno2' = '5' 'Extremely poor' becomes the value of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_b6c22f5e_4985_4a87_a5ff_3353b54a2096_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndyprmo3' based on 'aqiwdo3', 'region' and 'date'.\lThe number of days during the last thirty days from date, date included,\lwhere 'aqiwdo3' = '3' 'Poor' or 'aqiwdo3' = '4' 'Very poor' or 'aqiwdo3' =\l'5' 'Extremely poor' becomes the value of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_4c6e7249_9c49_4140_a0d6_88bde940012e_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndyprm' based on 'aqiwdpm10', 'aqiwdpm2_5',\l'aqiwdso2', 'aqiwdno2', 'aqiwdo3', 'region' and 'date'. The number of days\lduring the last thirty days from date, date included, where one or more of\lvariables 'aqiwdpm10r', 'aqiwdpm2_5r', 'aqiwdso2r', 'aqiwdno2r', 'aqiwdo3r'\lhas value '3' 'Poor' or '4' 'Very poor' or '5' 'Extremely poor' becomes the\lvalue of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_2b97a7f9_c5fe_4bc4_8e9a_dc2c93d406ac_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndyprypm10' based on 'aqiwdpm10', 'region' and\l'date'. The number of days during the last three hundred and sixty five\ldays from date, date included, where 'aqiwdpm10' = '3' 'Poor' or\l'aqiwdpm10' = '4' 'Very poor' or 'aqiwdpm10' = '5' 'Extremely poor' becomes\lthe value of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_12b1349d_eb60_46b6_9d5f_b7ee92e4e7af_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndyprypm2_5' based on 'aqiwdpm2_5', 'region' and\l'date'. The number of days during the last three hundred and sixty five\ldays from date, date included, where 'aqiwdpm2_5' = '3' 'Poor' or\l'aqiwdpm2_5' = '4' 'Very poor' or 'aqiwdpm2_5' = '5' 'Extremely poor'\lbecomes the value of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_c8a132ef_57e1_40a4_ba11_82690a893f61_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndypryso2' based on 'aqiwdso2', 'region' and\l'date'. The number of days during the last three hundred and sixty five\ldays from date, date included, where 'aqiwdso2' = '3' 'Poor' or 'aqiwdso2'\l= '4' 'Very poor' or 'aqiwdso2' = '5' 'Extremely poor' becomes the value of\lthe target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_bbea52b0_7e47_4942_bb8c_bc16da36a4d3_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndypryno2' based on 'aqiwdno2', 'region' and\l'date'. The number of days during the last three hundred and sixty five\ldays from date, date included, where 'aqiwdno2' = '3' 'Poor' or 'aqiwdno2'\l= '4' 'Very poor' or 'aqiwdno2' = '5' 'Extremely poor' becomes the value of\lthe target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_3d2b0c76_491c_46a4_b57f_13b7b90e38d9_Description [ label="Compute target variable ' ndypryo3' based on 'aqiwdo3', 'region' and\l'date'. The number of days during the last three hundred and sixty five\ldays from date, date included, where 'aqiwdo3' = '3' 'Poor' or 'aqiwdo3' =\l'4' 'Very poor' or 'aqiwdo3' = '5' 'Extremely poor' becomes the value of\lthe target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; step_7078715e_59f5_43e6_9c0c_ef5be032d9ee_Description [ label="Compute target variable 'ndypry ' based on 'aqiwdpm10', 'aqiwdpm2_5',\l'aqiwdso2', 'aqiwdno2', 'aqiwdo3', 'region' and 'date'. The number of days\lduring the last three hundred and sixty five days from date, date included,\lwhere one or more of variables 'aqiwdpm10', 'aqiwdpm2_5', 'aqiwdso2',\l'aqiwdno2', 'aqiwdo3' has value '3' 'Poor' or '4' 'Very poor' or '5'\l'Extremely poor' becomes the value of the target variable\l" tooltip=" \nDescription of activity" shape="note" width="5" height="0.1" color="grey" fontsize="10pt" ]; } step_70b92d2b_cc0a_44a7_9b1b_1e84084f4c50 -> step_70b92d2b_cc0a_44a7_9b1b_1e84084f4c50_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_e5719aa7_5c9f_4e8c_b8b2_ff3b6bb1e6c2 -> step_e5719aa7_5c9f_4e8c_b8b2_ff3b6bb1e6c2_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_8e76387e_0a01_4282_89bc_9db776546f98 -> step_8e76387e_0a01_4282_89bc_9db776546f98_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_920f3b9b_6aa2_4a33_aa15_fa41b3c45ee3 -> step_920f3b9b_6aa2_4a33_aa15_fa41b3c45ee3_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_5d4a2d9d_54f8_419e_a4b5_4ef2223dceaa -> step_5d4a2d9d_54f8_419e_a4b5_4ef2223dceaa_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_03e16b5f_7876_4d78_bc64_23e16cfd4500 -> step_03e16b5f_7876_4d78_bc64_23e16cfd4500_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_cdb34f49_1977_4a9f_bc6b_2db89292442d -> step_cdb34f49_1977_4a9f_bc6b_2db89292442d_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_1b3b0f21_2c18_4edc_82f2_58e50b0e40c9 -> step_1b3b0f21_2c18_4edc_82f2_58e50b0e40c9_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_e21b1e54_18a0_4296_af9d_0b0eb9762cc7 -> step_e21b1e54_18a0_4296_af9d_0b0eb9762cc7_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_74190ce2_23d5_4c2b_a9e3_5017f5a2b9e7 -> step_74190ce2_23d5_4c2b_a9e3_5017f5a2b9e7_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_d8885706_02d6_4e0a_8a37_dc5732c0c79f -> step_d8885706_02d6_4e0a_8a37_dc5732c0c79f_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_2b702183_45de_45d5_80a9_5ebc1be9fe1c -> step_2b702183_45de_45d5_80a9_5ebc1be9fe1c_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_1a6476be_23a9_4e0f_9a48_f70307579001 -> step_1a6476be_23a9_4e0f_9a48_f70307579001_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_4a51ff8e_0250_45c0_aedc_7433e1d2db87 -> step_4a51ff8e_0250_45c0_aedc_7433e1d2db87_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_6a2f8d7e_5fc9_44e5_bf60_71a91c3614c6 -> step_6a2f8d7e_5fc9_44e5_bf60_71a91c3614c6_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_a7d2eaaa_3c8e_4f8e_9f8a_c12c447e02d0 -> step_a7d2eaaa_3c8e_4f8e_9f8a_c12c447e02d0_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_d06dfe8a_7685_4ed5_b54d_5e240de6a8ef -> step_d06dfe8a_7685_4ed5_b54d_5e240de6a8ef_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_9267e50e_8f2a_4321_9ce4_014b98899f4c -> step_9267e50e_8f2a_4321_9ce4_014b98899f4c_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_3cf520d5_1d16_40a2_8a32_02eef2f9784b -> step_3cf520d5_1d16_40a2_8a32_02eef2f9784b_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_9d0f2b2e_bfd5_4d9b_b6f3_b0e7c7a85c8e -> step_9d0f2b2e_bfd5_4d9b_b6f3_b0e7c7a85c8e_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_57cc0d7f_3df3_4c61_b0ce_4a3454a495cc -> step_57cc0d7f_3df3_4c61_b0ce_4a3454a495cc_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_a8e2f5e3_95af_48b1_8770_9ae8d4b840d9 -> step_a8e2f5e3_95af_48b1_8770_9ae8d4b840d9_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_8f85e449_0f80_41b7_8921_4db59106e23b -> step_8f85e449_0f80_41b7_8921_4db59106e23b_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_b6c22f5e_4985_4a87_a5ff_3353b54a2096 -> step_b6c22f5e_4985_4a87_a5ff_3353b54a2096_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_4c6e7249_9c49_4140_a0d6_88bde940012e -> step_4c6e7249_9c49_4140_a0d6_88bde940012e_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_2b97a7f9_c5fe_4bc4_8e9a_dc2c93d406ac -> step_2b97a7f9_c5fe_4bc4_8e9a_dc2c93d406ac_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_12b1349d_eb60_46b6_9d5f_b7ee92e4e7af -> step_12b1349d_eb60_46b6_9d5f_b7ee92e4e7af_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_c8a132ef_57e1_40a4_ba11_82690a893f61 -> step_c8a132ef_57e1_40a4_ba11_82690a893f61_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_bbea52b0_7e47_4942_bb8c_bc16da36a4d3 -> step_bbea52b0_7e47_4942_bb8c_bc16da36a4d3_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_3d2b0c76_491c_46a4_b57f_13b7b90e38d9 -> step_3d2b0c76_491c_46a4_b57f_13b7b90e38d9_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_7078715e_59f5_43e6_9c0c_ef5be032d9ee -> step_7078715e_59f5_43e6_9c0c_ef5be032d9ee_Description [ style="dotted" arrowhead="none" color="grey" ]; step_70b92d2b_cc0a_44a7_9b1b_1e84084f4c50 -> step_e5719aa7_5c9f_4e8c_b8b2_ff3b6bb1e6c2 step_e5719aa7_5c9f_4e8c_b8b2_ff3b6bb1e6c2 -> step_8e76387e_0a01_4282_89bc_9db776546f98 step_8e76387e_0a01_4282_89bc_9db776546f98 -> step_920f3b9b_6aa2_4a33_aa15_fa41b3c45ee3 step_920f3b9b_6aa2_4a33_aa15_fa41b3c45ee3 -> step_5d4a2d9d_54f8_419e_a4b5_4ef2223dceaa step_5d4a2d9d_54f8_419e_a4b5_4ef2223dceaa -> step_03e16b5f_7876_4d78_bc64_23e16cfd4500 step_03e16b5f_7876_4d78_bc64_23e16cfd4500 -> step_cdb34f49_1977_4a9f_bc6b_2db89292442d step_cdb34f49_1977_4a9f_bc6b_2db89292442d -> step_1b3b0f21_2c18_4edc_82f2_58e50b0e40c9 step_1b3b0f21_2c18_4edc_82f2_58e50b0e40c9 -> step_e21b1e54_18a0_4296_af9d_0b0eb9762cc7 step_e21b1e54_18a0_4296_af9d_0b0eb9762cc7 -> step_74190ce2_23d5_4c2b_a9e3_5017f5a2b9e7 step_74190ce2_23d5_4c2b_a9e3_5017f5a2b9e7 -> step_d8885706_02d6_4e0a_8a37_dc5732c0c79f step_d8885706_02d6_4e0a_8a37_dc5732c0c79f -> step_2b702183_45de_45d5_80a9_5ebc1be9fe1c step_2b702183_45de_45d5_80a9_5ebc1be9fe1c -> step_1a6476be_23a9_4e0f_9a48_f70307579001 step_1a6476be_23a9_4e0f_9a48_f70307579001 -> step_4a51ff8e_0250_45c0_aedc_7433e1d2db87 step_4a51ff8e_0250_45c0_aedc_7433e1d2db87 -> step_6a2f8d7e_5fc9_44e5_bf60_71a91c3614c6 step_6a2f8d7e_5fc9_44e5_bf60_71a91c3614c6 -> step_a7d2eaaa_3c8e_4f8e_9f8a_c12c447e02d0 step_a7d2eaaa_3c8e_4f8e_9f8a_c12c447e02d0 -> step_d06dfe8a_7685_4ed5_b54d_5e240de6a8ef step_d06dfe8a_7685_4ed5_b54d_5e240de6a8ef -> step_9267e50e_8f2a_4321_9ce4_014b98899f4c step_9267e50e_8f2a_4321_9ce4_014b98899f4c -> step_3cf520d5_1d16_40a2_8a32_02eef2f9784b step_3cf520d5_1d16_40a2_8a32_02eef2f9784b -> step_9d0f2b2e_bfd5_4d9b_b6f3_b0e7c7a85c8e step_9d0f2b2e_bfd5_4d9b_b6f3_b0e7c7a85c8e -> step_57cc0d7f_3df3_4c61_b0ce_4a3454a495cc step_57cc0d7f_3df3_4c61_b0ce_4a3454a495cc -> step_a8e2f5e3_95af_48b1_8770_9ae8d4b840d9 step_a8e2f5e3_95af_48b1_8770_9ae8d4b840d9 -> step_8f85e449_0f80_41b7_8921_4db59106e23b step_8f85e449_0f80_41b7_8921_4db59106e23b -> step_b6c22f5e_4985_4a87_a5ff_3353b54a2096 step_b6c22f5e_4985_4a87_a5ff_3353b54a2096 -> step_4c6e7249_9c49_4140_a0d6_88bde940012e step_4c6e7249_9c49_4140_a0d6_88bde940012e -> step_2b97a7f9_c5fe_4bc4_8e9a_dc2c93d406ac step_2b97a7f9_c5fe_4bc4_8e9a_dc2c93d406ac -> step_12b1349d_eb60_46b6_9d5f_b7ee92e4e7af step_12b1349d_eb60_46b6_9d5f_b7ee92e4e7af -> step_c8a132ef_57e1_40a4_ba11_82690a893f61 step_c8a132ef_57e1_40a4_ba11_82690a893f61 -> step_bbea52b0_7e47_4942_bb8c_bc16da36a4d3 step_bbea52b0_7e47_4942_bb8c_bc16da36a4d3 -> step_3d2b0c76_491c_46a4_b57f_13b7b90e38d9 step_3d2b0c76_491c_46a4_b57f_13b7b90e38d9 -> step_7078715e_59f5_43e6_9c0c_ef5be032d9ee }