Create variable ndyprypm10

Process Step

Description Compute target variable ‘ndyprypm10’ based on ‘aqiwdpm10’, ‘region’ and ‘date’. The number of days during the last three hundred and sixty five days from date, date included, where ‘aqiwdpm10’ = ‘3’ ‘Poor’ or ‘aqiwdpm10’ = ‘4’ ‘Very poor’ or ‘aqiwdpm10’ = ‘5’ ‘Extremely poor’ becomes the value of the target variable

This step uses a script written in Python3.

Diagram of the Process Step

digraph Diagram { graph [ stylesheet="../_static/custom.css" fontnames = "svg" # "... rock solid standards compliant SVG", see: rankdir="LR" nodesep="0.15" tooltip=" " ]; node [ fontname="sans-serif" ]; Step [ shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="3" height="0.8" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" fontsize="13pt" label="Create variable ndyprypm10\n(current process step)" tooltip=" " ]; # input parameter parameter_7d6e0e95_572c_40a5_82e4_bc51a2a68c77 [ shape="rect" style="filled" width="2" height="0.1" fontcolor="blue" fontsize="10pt" URL="" target="_blank" label=<<i>Variable date:</i><br/>Date> tooltip="Input parameter for current process step" fillcolor="#ffe119" ]; parameter_7d6e0e95_572c_40a5_82e4_bc51a2a68c77:e -> Step:w [ minlen="2" ]; # previous step step_70b92d2b_cc0a_44a7_9b1b_1e84084f4c50 [ shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="2" height="0.075" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" fontsize="10pt" label="Create variable date" URL="../step_70b92d2b-cc0a-44a7-9b1b-1e84084f4c50.html" target="_parent" tooltip="Previous process step:\nUse variables 'DatetimeBegin' and 'DatetimeEnd' to create variable 'date'." ]; step_70b92d2b_cc0a_44a7_9b1b_1e84084f4c50:e -> parameter_7d6e0e95_572c_40a5_82e4_bc51a2a68c77:w [ minlen="2" ]; parameter_87419b24_5963_48e7_8db9_0c6edf44bce6 [ shape="rect" style="filled" width="2" height="0.1" fontcolor="blue" fontsize="10pt" URL="" target="_blank" label=<<i>Variable region:</i><br/>Region> tooltip="Input parameter for current process step" fillcolor="#ffe119" ]; parameter_87419b24_5963_48e7_8db9_0c6edf44bce6:e -> Step:w [ minlen="2" ]; parameter_83ef6dcf_2d56_4fd6_94e1_8cbbdca65f55 [ shape="rect" style="filled" width="2" height="0.1" fontcolor="blue" fontsize="10pt" URL="" target="_blank" label=<<i>Variable aqiwdpm10:</i><br/>Worst air quality index<br/>level PM10, date> tooltip="Input parameter for current process step" fillcolor="#ffe119" ]; parameter_83ef6dcf_2d56_4fd6_94e1_8cbbdca65f55:e -> Step:w [ minlen="2" ]; # previous step step_e5719aa7_5c9f_4e8c_b8b2_ff3b6bb1e6c2 [ shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" width="2" height="0.075" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" fontsize="10pt" label="Create variable aqiwdpm10" URL="../step_e5719aa7-5c9f-4e8c-b8b2-ff3b6bb1e6c2.html" target="_parent" tooltip="Previous process step:\nCompute target variable 'aqiwdpm10' starting from variables 'Concentration' and 'AirPollutant = PM10' for each background station. Compute where 'AirQualityStation' has values for the pollutant. Find 'Concentration' value at the 99th percentile for the pollutant. Create EEA Air Quality Index where PM10: 0 to 20 eq 'Good' represented by value '0'; 20 to 40 eq 'Fair' represented by value '1'; 40 to 50 eq 'Moderate' represented by value '2'; 50 to 100 eq 'Poor' represented by value '3'; 100 to 150 eq 'Very Poor' represented by value '4'; 150 to 1200 eq 'Extremely poor' represented by value '5'. The worst air quality level measured on a specific date on one of the background stations in the region provides values to the variable." ]; step_e5719aa7_5c9f_4e8c_b8b2_ff3b6bb1e6c2:e -> parameter_83ef6dcf_2d56_4fd6_94e1_8cbbdca65f55:w [ minlen="2" ]; # output parameter parameter_28e2e3f7_5d32_43d5_9967_dc8c2b52a812 [ shape="rect" style="filled" width="2" height="0.1" fontcolor="blue" fontsize="10pt" URL="" target="_blank" label=<<i>Variable ndyprypm10:</i><br/>Number of days with 'poor'<br/>air quality level or worse<br/>PM10, year before the date> tooltip="Output parameter for current process step" fillcolor="#dcbeff" ]; Step:e -> parameter_28e2e3f7_5d32_43d5_9967_dc8c2b52a812:w [ minlen="2" ]; }


Move the mouse cursor over a parameter to see more information. Click on a parameter or a related step to go to the corresponding page.


digraph Diagram { graph [ stylesheet="../_static/custom.css" fontnames = "svg" # "... rock solid standards compliant SVG", see: rankdir="LR" bgcolor="#eeeeee" size="5,10!" nodesep=0.15 tooltip=" " ]; node [ fontname="sans-serif" ]; Step [ width="3" label="Process step" tooltip=" " shape="rect" style="filled, rounded" fontcolor="white" fillcolor="#4363d8" ]; # input parameter InputParameter [ shape="rect" width="2" height="0.1" style="filled" label="Input parameter" tooltip=" " fillcolor="#ffe119" ]; InputParameter -> Step [ label="used by" ]; OutputParameter [ shape="rect" width="2" height="0.1" style="filled" label="Output parameter" tooltip=" " fillcolor="#dcbeff" ]; Step -> OutputParameter [ label="produces" ]; }